I am impressed by the station and facilities that the Chinese have run up to serve their high-speed and conventional rail passenger services.
I suspect that one of the many reasons we don't have such passenger rail facilities in this country is that there is a large bosy of opinion that holds that any group favoring "big government" passenger rail has to be a bunch of Commies. Strangely, being called "a bunch of Commies" doesn't seem to bother the powers-that-be that run the People's Republic of China or the officials of the Chinese Communist Party. ;-) --Lee DeGolyer From: jheagle@texaseagles.net To: ttat-members@aoot.com Subject: FW: Chinese Railroad Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 10:54:11 -0600
From: ham moore [mailto:ham_moore@mac.com]