Hey Trackers,
It has come time again for our annual club meeting and it is hoped that all will attend. We have set up the meeting at Scott's house on September 11 at 5:00 pm. The meeting will be followed by a dinner. We will be ordering fajitas for all. If those that attend would bring a small dessert to top off the meal it would be great. At this meeting, we will have to elect two new board members as it is time for Michael and myself to rotate off and become advisors. If there is anyone that would like to get involved more with the club, this is a chance to do so. If you would like to run for the board, please let a board member know so we can put your name on the ballot. For those that don't know, we are in the process of making changes to the layout wiring and legs. Will discuss this more at the meeting. I am sure we will be setting up a few work days to get some of this done, hopefully before the Temple Show. Please let us know if you plan to attend so we know how much food to order. Don't want to over or under do that one. Again it is open to all members. Come out and get involved and enjoy so camaraderie with fellow club members. More information to follow. Hope to see you there.